Research Network On Misdemeanour Justice


The particular research network on misdemeanour justice was actually launched in this particular College of criminal justice in New York City. It is a wonderful thing, indeed. The goal of the research network is to actually make use of the power of data analytics in order to inform policy conversations and also Bring about some reforms regarding the enforcement of the low-level offences like misdemeanours, summons, citations, traffic stops and even pedestrian offences. Low-level offences deserve low-level punishment. In the state of New York, a lot of low-level punishments are actually severely punished, and people are filling up in the jails.

A lot of prisons are overflowing with inmates, and the problem is, a lot of these people do not deserve to be incarcerated at all. They are incarcerated on charges that are not too severe, and they deserve rehabilitation, instead of incarceration. Some of these people deserve to be rehabilitated and let back into society. Prison should be a statement or a sentence to individuals who are beyond the help of the society and the public. Prison should be a statement for individuals who are not functional individuals in the society. I mean, prison is a place for individuals who are not capable of functioning as normal individuals within the society. Prison should be filled with only such individuals. People who are caught for petty theft, traffic violations, summons, misdemeanours and more should not be put into jail, because they do not deserve to be there. The criminal justice system needs to be revamped entirely and should go through a lot of reform.

We have actually done a fantastic job at identifying six additional jurisdictions which can create a network focused on the analysis where you can determine the local trends, when it comes to enforcement of low-level offences and even the understanding of multi-site differences. The New York City, criminal department and justice department, does a fantastic job at creating networks which will analyse the above.

Misdemeanour Justice

I am actually talking about jurisdictions which include Durham, North Carolina, Los Angeles, California, Prince George’s County, Seattle, Washington, St Louis, Toledo, Ohio, Wyoming, Massachusetts, and more. The new sites will actually do a fantastic job at striving to provide a proper and empirical framework in order to inform data-driven policies and initiatives at the local, national and state levels. All three levels will be affected by the above. This particular research network, as you know, is completely committed to working with the criminal justice practitioners in order to obtain proper and accurate data and also provide objective analysis. It also strives to disseminate the findings to the key stakeholders in the entire community. This also includes renowned scholars, policymakers and even national discourse when it comes to the enforcement of some low-level offences.


Every single judge a session will actually form a proper partnership at the local level, and between research institutions and local institutions as well. We can also talk about the state criminal justice agencies which will form partnerships. Research institutions within the selected jurisdiction will complete the research funding to help build the analytical data infrastructure which will have enough capacity to properly examine the trends and also the outcomes of misdemeanours, summons, citations and more. Some of these things stop at the local level, while some of them go on to the state level and a lot of them go to the national level as well. We do a fantastic job at keeping track of all of these. You should also know that through this particular alliance, the research network will successfully produce, for the very first time, cross-site analysis on the proper enforcement and also outcomes of low-level offences which will be kept track of. The research network is adequately funded for a span of three years, and they can do some fantastic work in this time period.

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